Contentsquare is a global leader in digital experience analytics.
To learn more about our products, go to

This page focuses on our Engineering department.

300+ engineers
1500+ servers
4 cloud zones
250k+ peak requests/sec

Our Engineering manifesto

Support our business by tasting the soup
As the first users of our product, we actively learn and understand our customers' needs.
We aim to detect issues faster than our customers.
We empower all engineers to improve our systems end-to-end.
We take responsibility & own the impact of our decisions.

Build confidence to move fast
We experiment quickly to validate opportunities & learn from failures.
We value short deployment cycles with incremental improvements.
We build secure systems designed for efficiency, scale, reliability and ease of operations.
We favor system simplicity and code readability over cleverness.

Team collaboration matters even more than strong expertise
We build a safe place to share and receive candid feedback.
We have opinions but we actively encourage others to challenge them.
We are transparent about what we do and why we do it.
We embrace all learning opportunities and strive for personal growth.


A lot of the work we do every day revolves around scalability in multiple dimensions such as traffic, performance, cost or organisation. Our core business depends on being able to ingest a large amount of data for all our customers, with some of the most popular websites worldwide among them. To do that efficiently at scale, we built a deep expertise around some amazing open source software like Kafka and ClickHouse, and developed custom components that are able to process data and deliver insights in near realtime. To face the organisational challenges associated with rapid growth, we also continually invest in tools and processes designed to keep us agile and efficient.

Open Source

Contentsquare is built with lots of free software technologies and we feel it is important to give back and contribute to the community. All our engineers are encouraged to engage with upstream repositories and we also manage a few open source projects of our own. Our most popular project, chproxy, is an advanced HTTP proxy and load balancer for ClickHouse, used by many companies besides us.